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It's nearly time for autumn and we can't wait

It's been a long, albeit not particularly warm summer up here in Scotland and definitely starting to feel ready for autumn. Here's a few of our favourite things about autumn:  1. Crunchy, colourful, beautiful leaves hanging onto the trees and carpeting the ground. Great for jumping in, kicking, throwing, collecting, sorting and especially painting with. 2. Conkers! Even as an adult it's pretty magical to find and open a big shiny conker. With children, it's fun all over again. There is a myriad of crafts you can do with conkers too if you’re feeling creative. 3. The smell of wood smoke from stoves and fires and garden clearances. And coming home and lighting our own fire of course. 4. Geese!...

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One of our favourite weaning recipes - banana pancakes

This recipe was given to us by a friend when we weaned my daughter. It's become such a staple in our house that it's the essential breakfast for us every Sunday morning. Toddlers really enjoy getting involved and help stir and break the eggs from a young age. If you have any pancakes left over they do also freeze.   Ingredients: 2 x ripe bananas mashed 1 medium free range egg   1 cup of self raising flour  ¾ cup of full fat or semi skimmed milk  Unsalted butter to cook  Method: Add all ingredients to he bowl and whisk thoroughly (great for kids to get involved too) Heat a little butter in a non-stick pan and add 3 separate spoon fulls...

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Quality over quantity

When we were on holiday recently I finally felt like I had a bit of a chance to relax finally. With a 3 and a half year old and 19 monther and a third due in October this is rare. By the end of the holiday I felt a little like my old pre-child self which was fabulous and a feeling I thought I'd probably lost forever.  One of the main things I found restful about being on holiday was how little stuff the kids had, and therefore how little tidying I ended up doing. The weird thing was that if anything, the children played better on holiday that at home. And they played together a lot more. Having fewer toys...

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Our most beloved baby books

Reading to your baby is often one of parents' favourite things about parenthood. Here are a few of our most loved books, all available as board books, for anyone seeking some bed time inspiration: Dear Zoo, Rod Campbell. Charming and iconic, lift the flap trip through the zoo. That's not my dog/car/zebra etc, Usborne Books. Textured fun with hundreds of different titles for every interest. We love spotting the mouse. Goodnight Moon, Margaret Wise Brown. Calming bedtime story with amazing vintage drawings. A bedtime staple in our house. Peepo, Janet and Allan Ahlberg. Told from the viewpoint of a baby boy as he learns about his world. Fox's Socks, Julia Donaldson. Fox's socks is one of a series of lift the flap...

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