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YummiBlog — stainless steel RSS

Why do you use stainless steel for your toys?

There are a massive number of plastic and wooden toys on the market. Most babies and toddlers are very used to the look and feel of these materials. Yummikeys toys are different.  Yummikeys and Yummirings are made 100% from stainless steel. Stainless steel is so different to plastic and wood and this is partly why our teeny customers love it so. It's cold, shiny, dense and very jingly. An altogether different sensory experience.  Stainless steel also has some other great properties. It's non-toxic and chemically inert. In other words, there are no chemicals or harmful substances in it. No lead, phalates, no BPA, nothing bad for your baby.  It's the very same material as your cutlery and as is used...

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Play schemas: Is my child a transporter?

I'll start with my favourite play schema - transporting. In a busy nursery setting this was the one I dreaded. Transporters like to gather up objects and take them elsewhere, so when a piece of jigsaw is suddenly missing, or another child's shoe (just one!), the transporter may need to be questioned, not that they'll remember because they will have been busy transporting things all morning, quietly creating mayhem.  Sometimes they have impressive abilities to hold several unrelated objects in their hands. Their pockets bulge with their stash of bits and bobs. Often the object is of little importance although later on it can have symbolic meaning e.g. a wooden brick may be a loaf of bread (preferably in a...

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It's nearly time for autumn and we can't wait

It's been a long, albeit not particularly warm summer up here in Scotland and definitely starting to feel ready for autumn. Here's a few of our favourite things about autumn:  1. Crunchy, colourful, beautiful leaves hanging onto the trees and carpeting the ground. Great for jumping in, kicking, throwing, collecting, sorting and especially painting with. 2. Conkers! Even as an adult it's pretty magical to find and open a big shiny conker. With children, it's fun all over again. There is a myriad of crafts you can do with conkers too if you’re feeling creative. 3. The smell of wood smoke from stoves and fires and garden clearances. And coming home and lighting our own fire of course. 4. Geese!...

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Pack up your troubles

A luggage allowance of 40kg seemed reasonable for two adults and two young children heading off for a fortnight in Spain. With fond memories of relaxing holidays, pre-children, still fresh, it was a shock to see that the vast majority of the contents of our overfilled and overweight suitcases belonged to the two smallest members of the party. That evening I enlisted the help of a well-travelled third party from the older generation (my mother!). These are some of her comments: “They sell nappies in Spain” “Clothes will dry in a couple of hours. You don’t need six of everything.” “They’ll roast in towelling ponchos – yes I know you bought them especially.” “You’ll be far too busy watching them...

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