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Baby Massage isn’t just about babies…

Motherhood second time round comes with a whole load of challenges you perhaps didn’t quite expect.  Top of the list is the constant feeling that you are never quite managing to devote your entire attention to anything or anyone.  The mum-guilt of neglecting one sibling whilst you tend to the other can be pretty overwhelming to begin with – until you learn to juggle, and then it eases a tiny bit.  I took me quite a while to develop my strategies of dividing my time and ensuring one-on-one moments with each child were quality.  My answer is Baby Massage.  As an International Association of Infant Massage Certified Instructor, Massage in Schools Programme Instructor and mum to three children aged 6,...

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Breadth of experience - a background on our guest blogger

Over the years I've come to the conclusion that teachers teach very little. Children have an innate ability and desire to learn and good educators develop the children's skills by providing the right opportunities at the right time. 

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Coping with a second or third pregnancy (or more!)

Coping with a third pregnancy:  We're expecting our third baby this autumn. This is my third pregnancy and we have a daughter who'll be 4 this autumn and a son who'll be two. We feel blessed to be having another baby but it must be said that pregnancy third time round is not quite the walk in the park I'd been hoping for!    Energy levels  As a person with a lot of energy usually I don't find pregnancy too tiring, once he first few weeks are done. But this time I am exhausted. Absolutely exhausted. I'm trying to turn off the guilt and let the kids indulge in a bit (sometimes a lot) more tv!    Peoples perceptions:  Most...

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