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YummiBlog — teething distress RSS

Natural Teething Remedies

With the recent news about teething gels being withdrawn from supermarket shelves and the potential for ill effects we thought it would be useful to give you all a few of our favourite  natural, chemical fee suggestions to help your baby through teething. Keep sticks of cucumber in the fridge for your baby to chomp on. They're cool to chew on and as they consist mostly of water they're generally-considered ok before weaning. If your baby is weaning they may love harder foods such as pineapple, apples, carrots, crusts of bread. Try massaging your baby’s gum with your finger (watch our if they already have teeth though and of course wah your hands before and after). If your partially-weaned baby...

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Teething remedies

This will be a familiar scenario for some of you. Your baby has got the hang of feeding and sometimes sleeps for longer stretches, when teething strikes and it all goes pear-shaped.  Here's a few tips that worked well for us: Keep sticks of cucumber in the fridge for your baby to chomp on. They're cool to chew on and as they consist mostly of water they're generally-considered ok before weaning. If your partially-weaned baby goes off solids, don't be afraid to up the milk feeds if they're hungry. They'll take more solids again once their gums stop hurting. There are several products available at chemists for teething. Anbesol teething gel worked well for us and we have friends who...

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