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YummiBlog — new baby RSS

Preparing your sibling for a new arrival

We have a new baby arriving this autumn so this is a topical subject in our house. Here are a few ideas to help an older child to be able to adjust to a new sibling  Consider the timing of when you tell them about the baby. For younger children 9 months is an incredibly long time to wait etc New baby books - age and stage appropriate  Play more with dolls, premmie nappies, discuss  Meet some babies etc  Plan nursery together  Emphasise big brother sister importance  Prepare box of little activities 

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Coping with a second or third pregnancy (or more!)

Coping with a third pregnancy:  We're expecting our third baby this autumn. This is my third pregnancy and we have a daughter who'll be 4 this autumn and a son who'll be two. We feel blessed to be having another baby but it must be said that pregnancy third time round is not quite the walk in the park I'd been hoping for!    Energy levels  As a person with a lot of energy usually I don't find pregnancy too tiring, once he first few weeks are done. But this time I am exhausted. Absolutely exhausted. I'm trying to turn off the guilt and let the kids indulge in a bit (sometimes a lot) more tv!    Peoples perceptions:  Most...

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New baby gifts

We were spoilt when my daughter arrived as was she. Sadly over time we've forgotten a lot of the gifts but the ones that really stuck with us four years later are these:  Chocolate Lindt flowers - mum's definitely need gifts too and will be so grateful for being remembered.  Hand knitted shawl from granny. Absolutely beautiful and still popular even now.  We adore the personalised gifts we got. Beautiful building blocks with a subscription are amongst our favourites.  A massive box of different types of chocolate brownies. So delicious and helped cheer me through evening cluster feeding and breastfeeding hunger. A hand made owl mobile/wall hanging from a London boutique. So cute   Yummikeys are a beautiful new baby gift too and...

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